Core Safety Group

The Solvent Safety for Supervisors for Manufacturing course from ClickSafety is an introductory-level online training designed to provide Manufacturing Supervisors with a foundational knowledge of safety protocols associated with the use of solvents in the Manufacturing workspace. Throughout this course, participants can expect to learn common hazards associated with solvents, as well as how to mitigate potential risks for their employees and the overall safety culture of their workplace.

ClickSafety’s Solvent Safety for Supervisors for Manufacturing is designed to address the hazards associated with solvents in the Manufacturing workplace and how Supervisors can mitigate potential risks. Specific course topics include the following:

  • Health, physical, and environmental hazards of solvents
  • The definition of solvents and how they are used in manufacturing
  • The routes of exposure to solvents
  • A discussion of how duration, toxicity, and individual sensitivity affect the degree of risk when exposed to solvents
  • Safety precautions, including the hazard communication standard and hierarchy of controls
  • Safe solvent handling procedures
  • Information about solvent exposure and incident response
  • Links to additional resources for information and assistance
  • Knowledge checks to measure your understanding

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