Core Safety Group

Intended Audience

This online safety course on ground fault protection is designed for construction workers, supervisors and managers who use cord sets:

  • Construction Workers
  • Construction Supervisors
  • Construction Mangers

Why Take This Course

This ground fault training course will provide you with in-depth instruction on the proper use of GFCI’s. We will go over OSHA standards and State regulations on the use of GFCI’s, as well as how and where to apply the use of GFCI’s. You will be taught about all the different cord sets and receptacles, and about AEGCP (Assured Equipment Grounding Conductor Programs).

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Ground Fault Protection in Construction
  • Knowledge Assessment
  • Insulation Grounding
  • Drill 1
  • GFCI’s
  • Drill 2
  • Ground Fault Situational Analysis GFCI’s
  • Drill 3
  • Drill 4

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