2. Fatigue: The holidays can also bring about a lot of stress. In addition to work demands, there are many other personal responsibilities that increase stress levels. Adding more stress can have an effect on sleep schedules, leaving workers fatigued.
3. Fires: The US Fire Administration states that more than 400 people are killed and over 1,650 are injured every year in fire-related incidents that involve Christmas Lights. Make sure outlets are not overloaded, and electrical decorations are left unplugged with the jobsite or office is closed.
Ways to Help Prevent Injuries
1. Toolbox Talks: Schedule extra toolbox talks during this time to help your workers maintain a high level of safety in the workplace.
2. Training: Make sure everyone on your job is properly trained and has a clear understanding of the safety policies. You can also post more posters around the job site to create helpful reminders throughout the day.
3. Reminders: Remind your employees to drive safely, consume alcohol in moderation, and to enjoy their time off with friends and family.
The holidays are a great time to enjoy with friends and family, and even a small injury could have a negative effect on your season. The holiday season can be hectic, but it is important to stay safe and alert to avoid injuries.